Concord - C Discord API library
A Discord API wrapper library written in C
Todo List
File application_command.h
application_id should be cached and used when its input value is 0
Global discord_gateway::cbs [2][DISCORD_EV_MAX]
should be cast to the original callback signature before calling, otherwise its UB
Global discord_get_guild (struct discord *client, u64snowflake guild_id, struct discord_ret_guild *ret)
missing query parameters
Global discord_list_active_threads (struct discord *client, u64snowflake channel_id, struct discord_ret_thread_response_body *ret)

replace with

Global discord_modify_guild_member::communication_disabled_until
should be able to write null
Global discord_ratelimiter_set_global_timeout (struct discord_ratelimiter *rl, struct discord_bucket *bucket, u64unix_ms wait_ms)
check if all pending buckets must be unset
Global discord_ret_dispatch::done
should be cast to the original callback signature before calling, otherwise its UB
Class discord_thread_members_update
added_members may include guild_members and presence objects
Global ws_info::code